Full Moon Resonance Circle @ The Yurt

Full Moon Resonance Circle @ The Yurt

Once a month around the full moon I will be holding a sound bath @ the beautiful Yurt in Appledore – Full Moon Resonance.

‘Resonance’ – creating a full, harmonious, meaningful sound or experience.

Everything in our universe is information and energy vibrating at specific frequencies. Every cell in the body vibrates at a certain frequency. Music is a powerful tool to bring these vibrations into harmony and guide consciousness into higher levels to induce healing.

Sound healing supports the body’s natural function, encouraging vibration of the cells at different frequencies to return them to harmony. Making the body better able to cope with external stressors.

It also alters the state of the mind from every day busyness to relaxed to dreamlike, through to healing. Essentially the brain starts to heal itself based on the sound waves moving through it. This is supported by neuroscience studies proving that sound waves can tune the brain to frequencies that reduce stress, anxiety and support better coping skills.

It can also encourage us to tune into our intuition and unlock ideas and creativity. All kind of surprising thought, emotions, sensations, feelings and experiences can arise.

A continued practice of sound healing will enable the body and mind to retain a more peaceful state more easily. Bringing stress levels down for sustained periods and training the mind and body to exist in this state. Causing a longer term healing effect on the nervous system.

Each month I will theme the sound to the astrological aspect of the Full Moon to create a different resonance in the body.

Come along, relax into this experience and take what you need harnessing the energy of the moon:

Sept 1st – Pisces full moon

Please book onto the guestlist and you will be send further details about the event, location etc.

This is a donation based event, please bring cash to donate or you can donate through this platform, suggested donation at guestlist, this amount can be changed. Everything is greatly appreciated to go towards the yurt hire and my curating of the event.

Thank you, Jo


Sep 01 2023


7:30 pm - 8:30 pm

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